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Study Backgrounder: Why Conduct a Study on Acute HIV Infection?
Fact sheet

Chown S, Jollimore J, Kwag M, Lim E, Steinberg M, Grace D, Gilbert M. Understanding the impact of HIV among recently diagnosed gay men in Vancouver.  BC Centre for Disease Control, 2015.

Jollimore J, Chown S, Kwag M, Robert W, Steinberg M, Gilbert M, Grace D. A view into the health of HIV-negative gay men in Vancouver. BC Centre for Disease Control, 2015.

Our research

Grace D, Chown SA, Kwag M, Steinberg M, Lim E, and Gilbert, M.  Becoming “Undetectable”: Longitudinal Narratives of Gay Men’s Sex Lives After a Recent HIV Diagnosis. AIDS Education and Prevention, 2015;27(4): 333-349.
Abstract | For a copy of this article please email 

Grace D, Chown S, Jollimore J, Parry R, Kwag M, Steinberg M, Trussler T, and Gilbert M. “Emotional and Behavioural Impacts of Study Participation: Narratives of being a participant in longitudinal mixed methods HIV research”. Canadian Association for HIV Research. Toronto, 2 May 2015.

Grace D, Steinberg M, Kwag M, Chown SA, Doupe G, Trussler T, Rekart M, Gilbert M.  Diagnostic Technologies in Practice: Gay Men’s Narratives of Acute or Recent HIV Infection Diagnosis.  Qualitative Research, 2015 Feb; 25(2): 205-217.
Article | Blog post for providers

Grace D, Chown SA, Jollimore J, Parry R, Kwag M, Steinberg M, Trussler T, Rekart M, Gilbert M. (2014). HIV-negative gay men’s accounts of using context-dependent seroadaptive strategies. Culture, Health & Sexuality, 16(3): 316–330.
ArticleFact Sheet

Gilbert, M., Cook, C., Steinberg, M., Kwag, M., Robert, W., Doupe, G., Krajden, M, and Rekart, M. Targeting screening and social marketing to increase detection of acute HIV infection in men who have sex with men in Vancouver, British Columbia. AIDS, October 23, 2013: 27(16): 2649-2654. 
ArticleFact Sheet

Grace D. Reconceiving the “problem” in HIV prevention: HIV testing technologies and the criminalization of HIV non-disclosure. In: Hankivsky O, editor. An intersectionality-based policy analysis framework. Vancouver, BC: Institute for Intersectionality Research and Policy; 2012. p. 1–27.

Steinberg, M. et al. Towards targeted screening for acute HIV infections in British Columbia. Journal of the International AIDS Society 2011, 14:39

Conway J.M., Coombs D. (2011) A Stochastic Model of Latently Infected Cell Reactivation and Viral Blip Generation in Treated HIV Patients. PLoS Comput Biol 7(4): e1002033. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1002033

Rekart, M. and MacIntosh, J. (2011) Five Things to Know About Acute Primary HIV Infection. CMAJ, 2011, 183(11).

Cook, D., Gilbert, M., DiFrancesco, L. and Krajden, M. (2010) Detection of Early Sero-Conversion HIV Infection Using the INSTI HIV-1 Antibody Point-of-Care Test. The Open AIDS Journal 2010, 4: 176-179.

Ragonnet-Cronin, M., Ofner-Agostini, M., Merks, H., Pilon, R., Rekart, M., Archibald, C.P., Sandstrom, P.A. and Brooks, J.I. (2010) Longitudinal Phylogenetic Surveillance Identifies Distinct Patterns of Cluster Dynamics. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2010;55:102–108.

Reports incorporating our research findings

Kendall P. HIV, stigma and society: tackling a complex epidemic and renewing HIV prevention for gay and bisexual men in British Columbia. Provincial Health officer’s 2010 Annual Report. Victoria, BC: Ministry of Health, 2014.

Grace, D. (2014). “Intersectionality-Based Mixed Methods Research: A Primer”. Institute for Intersectionality, Research and Policy. Methods Primer for the Public Health Agency of Canada.